Nasal and Sinus Surgery

If you develop nasal polyps or experience frequent sinus infections, nasal or sinus surgery provides long-term relief and improves your quality of life.

At Colorado West Otolaryngologists, PC, the team of expert physicians offers various types of nasal and sinus surgery on an outpatient basis. To schedule an appointment at the Grand Junction, Montrose, or Gunnison, Colorado, office, book online, or call today.

Nasal and Sinus Surgery Q & A

Nasal and sinus surgery is an umbrella term that refers to several different procedures. These operations provide a safe, effective, and minimally invasive way to address common nose and sinus problems.

Your sinuses are a system of eight passages located behind your forehead, eyes, and nose. They produce mucus protecting your nasal passages and upper respiratory tract from potentially invasive substances like viruses, bacteria, pollen, and dirt.

You may need nasal or sinus surgery to address nasal polyps, a thickened nasal lining, or persistent sinus infections.

The team at Colorado West Otolaryngologists, PC, offers several types of nasal and sinus surgery, including:

  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
  • Turbinate reduction surgery
  • Balloon sinuplasty
  • Sinus ostial dilation surgery
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Septoplasty

Each procedure varies slightly but works to help you breathe more comfortably.

At Colorado West Otolaryngologists, PC, nasal and sinus surgery occurs in a series of steps:

Step one

On the day of your procedure, the team administers a local or general anesthetic, ensuring your comfort. Once the anesthesia sets in, your operation begins.

Step two

Your surgeon inserts a small, flexible tube into your nasal passage. The tube has a microscopic camera on the end that provides real-time images to a monitor in the operating room.

Step three

Your surgeon views the monitor and uses small, minimally invasive surgical tools to remove polyps, tiny pieces of bone, or blockages from your nasal passage. Depending on the type of surgery, they might also insert a small balloon into your sinuses to expand your airways.

Step four

Nasal and sinus surgery typically takes two to three hours. Following treatment, the team moves you into a separate room for observation. Once the anesthesia wears off, a friend or family member can drive you home.

In the days following your nasal and sinus surgery, it’s normal to experience bruising, swelling, and mild discomfort. Take your pain medication as prescribed and avoid any activities that might elevate your blood pressure, like exercise.

It’s important to keep your sinuses moist throughout the day with a saline spray. The spray prevents blood from clogging up your sinuses as they heal. Avoid blowing your nose for at least four days and attend all of your post-surgical appointments.

Book Your Appointment Today

To learn more about nasal and sinus surgery, request a consultation at Colorado West Otolaryngologists, PC. Book an appointment online, or call the nearest office to speak with a member of the administrative staff today.

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